
Drinking games like tour de franzia
Drinking games like tour de franzia

drinking games like tour de franzia

Some champion-hearted sportsman will in fact puke within the first forty-five minutes of play a sad yet beautiful example of true guts. They lack a true party attitude and should be asked to immediately leave the gaming area. The criteria for this elusive title are thus: One or more players will forfeit without vomiting within the first thirty minutes of game play they will not choose to continue due to a lack of personal courage. Let me tell you that in my world, there isn’t any thing funny about drinking every “game" you might find me engaged in would be what we shall call “Mind Smashers".

drinking games like tour de franzia

Use our stag drinking games guide to maximize the fun content of your party night and engage in some awesomely amusing and mind-warping drinking games. An example of free-flowing, unfiltered life itself! There is going to be some drinking done, and you feel that it should be taken very seriously, so seriously in fact, that you are going to have to invite your friends over to take it all very seriously with you.

drinking games like tour de franzia

As for tonight, you are still a single, wild, and free being.

Drinking games like tour de franzia